To join in with Ginny's month of grateful thinking, my first thought goes to this funny wee furry fellow who has come into our lives this year.
Murphy is quite a character - at only 5 months he already looks like a fully grown cat! I love the way he purrs and "tiggers" onto the bed in the morning - but most of all I love the sound of him drinking his 'kitten' milk. He laps it all up without stopping for breath, and is just so focused, & very contented. It gives me a warm feeling to have provided something he enjoys so heartily, and I just love the noise he makes as he drinks!
He looks so sweet. Cats are the best. x x x
Posted by: Paula | November 13, 2009 at 05:57 PM
so happy you are enjoying your wee catty .. xxx
Posted by: ginny | November 17, 2009 at 05:18 PM
Wow..look at those eyes ! Have enjoyed catching up with your blog. Aren't Gillian Kyle's designs great ? I just bought up a batch to give as presents after seeing her at the Country Living Fair :)
Posted by: Rhiannon | November 22, 2009 at 09:14 AM